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Old February 11th, 2010, 03:21 PM

nordlys nordlys is offline
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Default Re: Application problems

Originally Posted by Tollund View Post
Prove it. Provide evidence for this claim that isn't based on Slashdot style nonsense.
Ever plugged an USB flash card of insecure origin into an autoplay-enabled computer? Try it

AVZ reports enabled autoplay as potential security vulnerability. Symantec website has a number of pages on autoplay security. Kaspersky disables autoplay. Google is your friend.

But nevermind that, who needs all this unpopular software when there is Windows Firewall?

Do you enjoy pretending to be superior because you're using unpopular software?
I enjoy using superior software that has all kinds of functions I need, and least of all care whether it is "popular" or not.

Then change the default behaviour instead of complaining that it can't read your mind and pick the correct program when you haven't bothered to tell it what to do.
Why should I bother? I am perfectly comfortable running those programs myself and having autoplay disabled.

Thankfully, people like you are going the way of the dinosaur. The quicker computers are turned into a completely interoperable commodity the better.
As they say, don't allow the children near computers, it makes computers dumber

I suppose you're one of those ignorants who complains that zip file functionality is built into windows.
I have winrar and 7zip installed, I don't care whether there is a built-in zip functionality in windows. I am, however, mildly annoyed the right-click file menu is bloated with a dozen of default windoze options I am not going to ever use in my lifetime, and have to manually seek and remove them in registry and/or file associations.
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