Re: Can someone tell me about Machaka?
Step 1: Don't use the fetish pretender! Seriously, its really bad.
You either want an awake SC or a decent bless for your spiders, possibly both. The Scorpion King makes a great SC and isn't commonly available, but there are certainly other more standard options.
Blesses don't have to be big, and what you're looking to bless is the spider after the rider gets killed, so E9 is no help. A rainbow bless may be the best, although certainly W9 would be cool, and F9 isn't bad. Consider minor blesses in blood, air, and nature.
If not ponying up for a bless, your heavily armored stealthy guys are pretty cool and really tough.
Note that your recruit anywhere troops are pretty bad, so you're going to have to switch over to magery and summons pretty early.