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Old February 14th, 2010, 01:59 PM
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Default Re: Steam Sale Dom3 players might like.

Originally Posted by Ink View Post
also, I'd bet M&B is on sale because warband is slated for release next month; its a form of get the old out while you still can and get press for your new game at the same time.

but like I said, would never work for a game like dominions, not in a million years.
Yeah of course, I have no doubt Its a form of advertisement for the new Warband game. They Say Warband is an Expansion but it doesnt seem that way considering they say it is stand alone and all that. (So yeah, out with the old and in with the new) I think for something to really qualify as an expansion it has to be an addition to the original game and not something that can entirely replace it. I suppose they probably call it an expansion because its not exactly a full fledged totally improved sequel. But it will have some cool new things the original didn't have like multiplayer. I suppose I could possibly be wrong and Warbands may actually have large parts of the game missing IF you dont have the original as well, but I doubt it. I'm downloading the Beta right now actually so I might know before long.

And I totally disagree that Dominions couldn't sell on something like Steam. If they can sell a million different Nancy Drew titles then they could certainly sell Dominions.

Although I do kind of doubt they could sell Dominions on Steam at its current price point... Or at least not too many copies.
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