Originally Posted by Sombre
By the way, just out of interest, does the community at large consider the the 'storage' of money by filling a queue with expensive troops that you can't pay resources for (like in a 0 resource province) an exploit? When you cancel the order you get the money back. I could see this being abused, potentially, with negative upkeep situations and to avoid losing money from events.
Wow, thats an interesting mechanic Sombre. Never really understood the design principle behind paying for units when resources go negative, or even why recruitment is an option in 0 resource provinces.
If I were getting pounded by someone spamming Blight (Target province suffers +15 unrest, 5% poploss, and owner loses 80 gold) and I "banked" all my gold in troop recruitment in a 0 resource province .. According to turn resolution, rituals would go off first and any Blights would subtract their gold from an empty treasury. Then would come income and upkeep and I would have essentially lost no gold from the Blights? Random gold loss events would take place before income phase also, so banking would protect you from all gold loss rituals or events. Am I interpreting that right? Is treasury allowed to go negative in the ritual and random event phase?
Am sure I have spent all my gold and still have gotten penalized for gold loss events, so maybe not as big an exploit