I might as well volunteer to be the first "test subject" of this new very nice and well thought out project. I am 1 of those newbies(not noobs, please correct that term because the term noob has a very negative implication), who is on IRC and already had some chats with all of the above help desk volunteers on IRC. however to get this project going I might as well share my turns and strategy with 1 of the help desk personnel and receive more specific advise.
I have recently started playing in 2 games(from the start, subbing in a few more) however 1 of them is a newbie only game. the other is an all welcome that is still in its very begining(turn 5) the newbie only is not too far ahead of it(turn 15). regarding the newbie only game, I
don't want an unfair advantage over the other players, I would appreciate if the help desk volunteer will keep this in mind and not open my eyes too much

the other game shouldn't be that problematic as some very experienced players such as Baalz and Zeldor are also in the game...
my expectations from this project, from a newbie's perspective, is mainly to adjust my various strategies(I'm sort of a strategist person) to the dominions battlefield. things that will work, things that probably won't, and reasons of course. potential things that I'm missing, or things that I could have done differently, to keep in mind for future games.