Originally Posted by 13lackGu4rd
Originally Posted by Squirrelloid
Tangent warning:
Originally Posted by 13lackGu4rd
I am 1 of those newbies(not noobs, please correct that term because the term noob has a very negative implication)
I find this an hilarious quibble, considering 'n00b' is simply 'newbie' spelled in 1337-speak (correctly pronounced as two syllables, n00-b), and the term 'newbie' i think is actually backformed from n00b, at least in its internet use. Arguing one is derogatory and the other isn't is like arguing something spelled in cyrillic is derogatory but when its spelled with roman characters it isn't. Its just a different alphabet. noob is of course just an alternate rendering of n00b in the standard roman alphabet.
All of n00b, noob, and newbie can have derogatory connotations depending on the group, but they're simply the same word spelled in different alphabets. Its just a strange claim that only a subset of them is derogatory.
actually it's pretty different. a newbie is simply a new player. a noob on the other hand doesn't neccessarily have to be a new player, he's more of a "know it all" type who actually doesn't know anything. but because of that he doesn't listen to people who try to help him, via advise, teaching, pointing his mistakes, etc.
so basically a newbie is the "good" type of new player while a "noob", or "n00b" if you wish, is the "bad" type. for example, in Sombre's "how bad is bad" thread, the people he refers to are noobs instead of simply newbies.
A n00b is just a new-comer (not necessarily player, there are other contexts than games).
I don't find 'n00b' any more derogatory than 'newbie'. Its an alternate spelling of the same word, using a different alphabet. ('noob' is certainly a backformation from the 1337).
I've seen 'newbie' used derogatorily. I've seen n00b used just to mean someone was new with no derogatory connotations. You may choose to be offended by it, but that doesn't make that spelling derogatory on face. I would argue that most communities in which 'n00b' is derogatory, 'newbie' is also derogatory. (The perception of n00bishness being poor is fostered by communities which value 1337ness as the pinnacle of achievement. When being skilled/elite/1337 is the absolute highest value, its opposite will be the lowest value, and hence derogatory).
Ok, I'd believe it, I just never heard/saw it until after I'd been online, and certainly saw n00b first. (Damn i've been online a long time...)