Re: Misfortune 3 Death 3 scale
Just to be clear, CERN is a wonderful device, and radiation for outerspace often hits the Earth with more power than it can drive, and likely cause these black holes that we want to study. The Earth must simply be more stable, and these black holes less so. The physics, further, follow, because black holes are actually less massive than the star they came from and lose energy and mass as they move through space...
Anyway, I often get the awful event of plague on my first turn with turmoil, misfortune, death.
I find it a challenge to be dealt with. This dominion is only bad in the begining, it is and end game dominion that protects you and attacks your opponents. Select magic to summon things with all the paths, and expect to do a lot of gem prospecting. I have won with this in two player, but it is a bit different with more than one opponent. (You don't need his provinces, for instance, you just need to make sure he doesn't enjoy them, by pillaging them, for instance, more like some end games end up).