Originally Posted by Squirrelloid
First of all, you might want to try actually giving a true example. The 'N word' might be derived from latin 'niger', but its not the same word. Even if it were, you're now talking about a word in english and a word in a different language. n00b is not from a different language, its an alternate spelling of a word in the same language. It'd be like saying 'gray' is offensive but 'grey' is not.
first of all the N word is the same word as the 1 in Latin. second of all the English language has its roots within Latin, so saying it's a different language isn't entirely correct. third of all the "invention" of the N word came from the Latin language, like many other English words, so I really don't understand why you claim it's a "bad example".
Second, how is your understanding of the word any better than mine? I've seen its use in a multitude of communities over 19 years, and its varied from being an insult to just a general descriptor of skill/familiarity (as has 'newbie' and other spellings, I can't actually think of a community I've been part of that has thought 'newbie' was anything other than an alternate spelling).
how is it better you ask? well, lets see... there is a second meaning, that's a
fact. you haven't come across it, and you decide that this meaning doesn't exist. it reminds me of the cliche that you don't believe anything you don't see with your own eyes, and I hope I don't need to tell you how foolish and unrealistic that cliche is... so why is my definition better? because I'm not ignoring the context in which the term is used, unlike what you seem to be doing... but hey, I don't blame you, too many people seem to be unaware of this differentiation thus think it doesn't exist, while the people those terms are used on do feel insulted by the wrong usage of the term, just like blacks are offended by the N word despite it simply meaning the color black...
Originally Posted by KissBlade
Blackguard is actually right. Newb and noob have different connotations in most online gaming worlds. However, I don't think that was the intention of rdonj. In fact, oone can clearly tell, he had no difference in mind from nature of post so I think it's better to just move on rather than eat up three pages on that discussion alone.
I never said, and I'm sorry if it came out like that, that rdonj meant to use the term noob in its offensive manner. I think that just like Squirrelloid, he was unaware of it, which is why I wanted to correct him in this thread, so he can refrain from using offensive term without meaning to use it that way.