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Old February 15th, 2010, 10:33 PM

Sir_Dr_D Sir_Dr_D is offline
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Default LARG - LA Rich Game (Started)

I would like to get started a late age rich game.


Gold: 250%
Resources: 250%
Supplies: 100%
Magic Sites: 55% (less then the other rich games, since it is LA)
Independents: 8
Mods: CBM1.6
Map: Open to suggestions
Research: Difficult
Victory Conditions: It will be based on capitals , and will be set to about 45% of the people in the game.
Diplomacy: Anything goes, though I personally recommend keeping agreements.

I will play as Utgard, which I chose because it popped up when I made random nation selection.

Sir_Dr_D - Utgard
Militarist - Tien-Chi
Torin - Mictlan
13lackGu4rd - Midgard
DonPablo - Bogarus
Veto - Ermor
Ignikharion - Pangaea
FungalReason - Atlantis
Graeme Dice - Agartha
Cicero - LA Patala
Grijalva - Caelum
Balaskar - Gath
Viden - Marignon
Anonymity - Jomon
Big Daddy - Abysia
LDiCesare - Pythium

Last edited by Sir_Dr_D; March 1st, 2010 at 03:20 PM..
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