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Old February 16th, 2010, 01:45 AM
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Default Re: Cinggis Qayan, Wrath of the Khans

Originally Posted by kennydicke View Post
I like the sprite, too bad she's blonde. Which is generally never a prob in real life but not a trait in the Altaic tribes. [ . . . ]
If that's the only thing, and it's otherwise usable, that's quite easy to change. Let me know if it is, and I can switch hair (and clothing) color schemes. Can also change the staff and other stuff like that. No prob either way.

EDIT: Oh! I just looked again. It's not so clear, but that's not hair -- it's a headdress. (For the source image, look up Brigade Models's Arianrod of the Obsidian Spear from the Celtos range of miniatures. Here's one image, though I used another one as the source image.)

1) Those bows -- should they overpower Hinnom's giant-equipped Great Bows? They also put to shame the Longbow of Accuracy, what with the AP.
I thought they were less powerful than the Gileadite bows, but I wasn't taking armor-piercing or stats into account. The larger bows that Mongolian foot units used *would* be a "Longbow of Accuracy" by middle-age earth standards. They were stronger, more accurate and had a better 'kill' range than the English longbow (long considered the epitome of bow technology, and should be the basis for the greatbow). I was trying to combine historical accuracy with the dominions universe, but I will edit whatever seems unbalanced to you vets. Maybe drop a few damage points?[/quote]

I had no idea about the Mongolian bows -- that's pretty amazing.

I was thinking actually about EA Hinnom's Great Bows (range 45, dmg 15 flat) rather than the Gileadite Bows (range 50, dmg 17 flat). Given that it's pretty difficult for size-2 units to top size-4 giants holding enormous bows, I think placing it somewhere inbetween the Long Bow (range 40, dmg 13 flat) and the Great Bow and giving it a precision bonus would still make it incredibly impressive, without impinging on the special/magical nature of the Longbow of Accuracy.

By the way, I claim no special knowledge here (no vet or anything -- I play SP only as well), so it's just my $0.02 grain of salt. And, of course, I'm assuming there are no size-2 units in the game that use Great Bows -- I don't recall ever seeing them, but of course could be dead-wrong.

I liked the random theme I started to develop early on, and felt it somehow fit with the nomadic nature of the Mongol tribes. About two seconds after I read that post, I realized the potential for money-saving that no hard paths creates. Although, thinking on it, I kind of like the idea of a nation where a Temple *is* a Lab. (Possibly not fitting for dominions?) If their current loadout is reason for concern, however, I will add one hard path to all but one or two of them.
Yeah, the randoms theme is definitely a nice one. As far as I've seen, the no-hard-paths thing isn't necessarily bad in se, and some nations, like Sauromatia, have such lablessly-recruitable mages, but, if you do do it, my (again, non-expert) understanding is that it should be treated and weighed as a national advantage. My thought: go with it! Just balance for it, as good players will use it to save 500 gold on labs for some forts.

I created five, did only four show? [ . . . ]
Nah, I'm just unobservant. I missed the fifth! Will have to look at it again.

Thanks much for your post, some food for my brain to munch. Seriously, I appreciate the input. Your handle is familiar, methinks, have you created a mod or a map? Maybe I just read a post somewhere.
Glad to help any way I can. Yes, my one contribution is the corrected, hand-named version of the Glory SP map.

Oh, and by the way, I forgot to mention -- I wouldn't worry one bit about the nation being thematically covered by T'ien Chi and Sauromatia. Think about it this way: how many nations did the devs make for Scandinavia? Variety and flavor is always nice.


Last edited by Globu; February 16th, 2010 at 02:09 AM..
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