This game has been going on suprisingly long and it seems from the posts that it is nearing the end.
Sooo.., once again I'd like to state how awesome it would be for the remaining players to give some feedback on CPCS and Holy War. It's likely that those mods have been in use for more turns in this game than other games combined! I'm certain that you have the valuable data I need to make those mods stronger, faster and better.
Are the spells in CPCS usable? Are they too usable (as in broken)? Were the Holy War sites useless, too useful? Did someone win just because of units/spells supported by those mods?
See my signature for links to the appropiate mod threads.
I have now officially moved to the Dom3mods forums and do not actively use this account any more. You can stll contact me by PM's, since my account gives e-mail notifications on such occasions.
If you need to ask something about modding, you can contact me here.
See this thread for the latest info concerning my mods.
Last edited by Burnsaber; February 16th, 2010 at 06:09 AM..