Originally Posted by Ink
It will *never* be profitable to charge a repeating fee of any kind to digitally access one-time purchase software[1].
Hmm...Steam claim to have 25 million active accounts. A $5 monthly fee (half of what World of Warcraft charges) could bring in an extra $1,200,000,000/year (assuming an 80% takeup rate) for virtually no extra expense - and you don't consider that profitable?
Originally Posted by Ink
The reason for this is a thing called elasticity of demand. People want new games, and if Steam won't give it to them for free, someone else will.
Steam isn't a free service now - they charge disproportionately high prices for games (often
exceeding retail) given that digital distribution has no physical costs (packaging, storage, transport, inventory management, etc).
Originally Posted by Ink
Steam charging the users to use the service would be like credit card companies charging users to use their cards; everyone would stop using them, and the company wouldn't make any money.
You seem to have missed the main crux of my previous post - if your Steam account is closed,
all the games you purchased from them stop working. That means Steam users aren't likely to be walking away, whatever changes Valve makes.