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Old February 16th, 2010, 09:57 AM

Kietsensei Kietsensei is offline
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Default Re: Crusaders - Mod Heavy Ea game [Game Started!]

I will send you a review and commentary on all the new spells/units/site I used during this game. I just need to find the time to write a good report But I can already tell you that the holy mod changed a lot the way I used priests. The cheap holy 3 priests replaced most of my battlefield mages.

Spells like divine armement and especially Holy warrior makes some spells like mistform and body etheral completely useless. As a result, nations relying heavily on light thugs to raid have some difficulty and must find a new strategy.

Divine wrath is an awesome spell and can replace easily the standard desintegrate spam.

A single thuged sidhe lord have a very good chance of dying against an oceanian pd of 10 if it is backed by a lvl 3 priest.
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