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Old February 16th, 2010, 06:47 PM
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BigDaddy BigDaddy is offline
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Default Re: Cost efficient blood hunting

I have successfully necroed this thread. I think, and it seems to me, that each blood hunter, regardless of success, creates some unrest, so, what you want is a few high level blood hunters. With a blood font drawing 25 slaves a turn you can almost count on unrest even at 0% tax... yes, but the FoB is awesome at blood hunting... Also, this should make it so that you either need less turns to recruit blood hunters (less likely) or will be able to field blood hunters in more locations (more likely). You can use scouts to ferry blood slaves around, which can be really important in combat situations.

Also, the best blood hunters are ussually decent mages you want to have. And buffing their capacity to cast makes them even better, AND at some point the PD plus them might well be enough to consider the province defended (especially because they probably have blood slaves).

and remember:
"Undisciplined jailers have defiled some of your blood slaves."

Last edited by BigDaddy; February 16th, 2010 at 06:57 PM..
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