Originally Posted by cleveland
Originally Posted by Squirrelloid
You do realize the colossal fetish has like 4AP, and so tramples 2 squares per round. At that rate you have to be counting on surviving until auto-route. Better hope you aren't the attacker.
2 aoe attacks per round? I'll take that on turn 3 any day.
Auto-rout? Berserker pelt. Also a trinket. Stymphalian wings sure are nice later on. Particularly with dual evening stars, just in case someone gets clever.
What else?
So you want to die on turn 100 instead of running away, check.
Stymphalian wings won't let you trample any more, though it will get you to the enemy faster.
I'll note the one time i've seen a colossal fetish it died in a few turns of melee to blessed woodsmen, so... I wasn't notably impressed by its survivability.
Pretty sure quickness and a heroes blade puts an end to your trampler decisively.