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Old February 17th, 2010, 03:05 AM
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Default Re: Can someone tell me about Machaka?

Originally Posted by cleveland View Post
Originally Posted by Jarkko View Post
Originally Posted by Torin View Post
Black Sorcerer F3

+2 pen rod+flaming helm+eyeof the void+spell focus

Phoenix power + Blindness ( pen + 7)

This looks better and research lower.
Torin, excuse me, but looks better for what? As far as I know just Rage and Hydrophobia are the only fire spell requiring a MR check, so I think you are not refering to them. I must be missing something obvious here but I don't understand what
Fail your DRN Jarkko?
I certainly did

However, I definitively need more coffee to understand the why this would be a good thing anyway. Would you really put expensive items (requiring paths Machaka does not have) on a squishy black sorceror to be able to cast a Range 15 spell which is usable against single SC's only? And if it is a trampling SC or a SC with some damaging aura, you got pretty much nothing for the effort.

If I had all those items available, I'd use Shadow Bolts to paralyze the SC. Long range, and even if the bolts don't kill the target, a paralyzed target is a dead target. Sure, will end up with lower +Penetration ("just" +5), but on the other hand you can use the spell even when the SC is still buffing up.

But as I said, I definitively need more coffee to get my brains awoke.
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