Originally Posted by zzcat
Originally Posted by Squirrelloid
For more fun, make an S2W1N1 Omnyoji (or however you spell that) your prophet.
IMO making a Master Shugenja with air path your prophet is a must for early expansion. If you need meditation Sign for communions just buy a fivefold monk with w and give him a crystal martix.
Tatsu has only 1 misc slot so it's almost impossible to make it a thug. Mapmove 3 flying is good, but I personally will never waste gems to summon it.
Basically I think all new summons have limited usefulness but the UW units are interesting. Crab general is a good thug chassis and cheap as hell. Ryujin looks like an inferior verion of king of the deep with mapmove 4, etc.
Your samurai laugh in the face of pitiful indie archers. I haven't had a problem. Of course, i prefer Go-hatamoto for early indie expansion because the mm1 doesn't hamper them and they have a much lower attrition rate. (better protection + higher kill rate). Use the Go-Hatamoto as your central block with some Yamabushi as a flanking block.
(Ok, truly early expansion is going to be starting army + Yamabushi + a handful of Go-hatamoto/Aka-oni. Try to choose targets those samurai archers will actually matter against, since they're the only ones you're ever going to have).
Oh, Yama-no-kami spells 'cloud trapezing RoS caster' in Japanese. =) Totally useful.