Originally Posted by AstralWanderer
I purchased this about a year ago, found out it required online activation (*without* making it clear on the packaging) and sent it back. It's bad enough having to deal with CD checks or cardboard codewheels, but online activation means the program dies when the servers shut down ...
This is not quite true, or at least not the full picture:
Q: Will my serial key work for updated versions of Mount and Blade?
A: Absolutely. We actively maintain Mount and Blade and we will release new versions with added content and updates frequently. Your serial key will work with these updated versions. Just install the updated version on your computer and run. The game should recognize your serial key.
Q: Will I experience any problems about my activation if I change/upgrade my computer?
A: We use a very loose scheme of harware binding. Upgrading/changing components of your system generally does not require a reactivation since Mount and Blade will recognize that some of the parts remain unchanged. Also you can install and activate Mount and Blade on a new machine once every 60 days.
Q: What if your company goes out of business?
A: We have no intention to go out of business. However if that becomes a possibility, we will do our best to provide an unprotected executable of Mount and Blade to our customers.
Q: Can I install Mount and Blade on more than one computer?
A: You can install Mount and Blade on a second computer provided you own them both. For example you can install it on your desktop computer and your laptop simultaneously.
Manual Activation Process
Mount & Blade allows for manual activation for use on systems which cannot connect to the internet. The process is as follows:
1. Install Mount & Blade on the PC you wish to activate it on
2. Run the activation, and choose "Manual Activation"
3. You will see a screen with a Hardware Hash number and an empty box for the Activation Code
4. Write down the Hardware Hash (you might want to write down your serial key on the same bit of paper)
5. On a PC which has internet access, go to http://www.taleworlds.com/act/. (if that gives you problems, try http://www.taleworlds.net/act/
6. On the activation page, enter your serial and hardware hash. Click OK
7. You will be given a long (16 or so digit) activation code. Write this down.
8. Return to the PC you wish to activate M&B on. Run activation and again choose "manual activation"
9. Enter the activation code you obtained in step 7 into the box and hit ok
10. You should be returned to the M&B splash screen, with "Mount & Blade is running in full mode" displayed to the left
Each serial key allows you to activate M&B twice in each 60 day period. If you use up those activations, further attempts to activate the game will result in an "Activation Denied" message. If this happens, you will need to wait until the 60 day period is up and your activation counter resets.
The serial is tied to the hardware hash of your machine. If the hardware hash changes, then you will need to reactivate. The hardware hash can be changed by re-installing windows, or altering the system hardware.
So, if the activation service dies one day, you could still run M&B indefinitly on those 2 machines you installed it to as long as you don't change the hardware too much - even if Taleworlds goes under so fast that they can't provide the no-activation patch, or even the founder and programmer can't do this "privately" (Would basically require that a meteor hits the programmer and all his code backups, but you never know ...)
That said, the base M&B game is just that - a base game. But there are tons of great mods out there, which could provide you with quite some fun besides doing the "Knight Lance-The-Whole-Lot" thing
PS: Personally, I wouldn't touch Steam with a 20-foot pole ... so no 5 buck M&B for me ..