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Old February 17th, 2010, 11:52 AM

Bananadine Bananadine is offline
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Default Re: Vengeance of the Dead makes me angry!

...Okay yeah the issue is covered pretty thoroughly in that other thread. Dudes agree, more or less, that Vengeance of the Dead is cheap in a surprising and ugly way, but that it's either balanced, or only mildly overpowered. One thing I have to add, though: For people who haven't been playing the game forever, the spell is very overpowered, because although those people could counter it if they knew how, they won't know how, as I didn't. Even if they think about the problem, they'll expect their tough commander to win the fight, not realizing that fricking Dead Ones don't flee when routing. THAT is a bug. The spell may or may not be too powerful, but it is powerful in so surprising a way that against many players it may as well be too powerful.

I think maybe I will make a list of things like this to warn players of my games about, before the game starts! The list will probably only have this item in it for a long time, maybe forever.

Also, this idea (by kasnavada) probably won't ever be implemented but it's awesome:

I just thought of this as a solution : a 'ritual of forgiveness' which reduces the kill count to 0, but as a side effect gives the unit 0 experience again.
...except I'd prefer a somewhat more severe penalty than 0 experience (though a high price on the spell might suffice), but basically it's an awesome and entertaining idea.
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