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Old February 17th, 2010, 02:59 PM
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Default Re: Cost efficient blood hunting

They are worth ~1.5 slaves for an effectively B2 hunter (a B1 hunder with a SDR or just a B2 hunter) and ~1 for an effectively B3 hunter. With a mad forge bonus, early in the game, or if your need for a higher level caster/forger is on the margin, it might make sense. Note that I just assume a SDR. It might be useful to figure out the other booster that come earlier...

In practice I've never used blood slaves in this way, but I have at times had a somewhat large excess of them. Also, it goes to show that you should really have your blood booster equipped on someone all the time. Finally, I've never had a forge bonus mad high enough bring this down below 10 turns. If you have the proper magic site, plus some items, and maybe even forge of the ancients, this could make sense, especially if it isn't deep into the game and you're in good position.

Also, because I mostly play 2-player, and the games are really very aggressive... so much so that even clam hoarding can be harmful.


Armor of souls is lvl 2 and increases b1 hunters harvest by ~((2+3.5)*.9)-(1+3.5)*.5)=2.7slave/turn It takes a B5 hunter 1 turn to forge, at a cost of (probably a pretender turn + oppurtunity of most of a soul contract) and 5+3.5=8.5slave, for a total of 48.5 w/o the dwarven hammer and 38.5 with the dwarven hammer.

48.5/2.7=17.9 which is slower than a soul contract.

38.5/2.7=14.25 turns = now, this begins to pay off somewhat before a soul contract would - whatever benefit you get from the devils in the mean time, but really, that sould contract would not yet have produce a squad really viable squad (15+).

Now, if you couldn't get dousing rods, but could forge the lvl4 booster with a dwarven hammer for 17 slaves + 4+3.5 = 24.5 slaves/2.7 = 9 turns to pay off.

Last edited by BigDaddy; February 17th, 2010 at 03:13 PM..
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