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Old February 17th, 2010, 10:57 PM
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Default Re: 2/16 Update - Calling All Tourists! - MA Oceania DAR - Chapter 7

Chapter 8: Vine Ripened

Turn files:

So to open, I got a lucky event, but it was a crappy Festival Held In My Honor. Big deal. Where's the damn gold!?! I blew quite a few design points for the luck-3 scales which is usually good for some cash by now. These steroid charged indies aren't helping my troop count either.

But at least there's one less. The Prophet has captured the Tritron Trooper prov NE of the capital. Very good. He was supported by a Mermage, get searching my friend.

Ooooo, a successful lure! That's 2, which in my experience is the limit for Wolf Tribes. I don't have a separate commander to take the province, so I'm sending Sade in herself. With some conservative orders, just in case.
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ID:	9527

Conjuration-1 will be complete next turn, giving me Tangle Vines. Excess research is being plowed into Alteration to get Eagle Eyes open.

While Tangle Vines isn't a game changer, especially against massed troops, it's better than nothing, so I'm sending a Mermage in with my 11-strong Ichtycentaur squadron back into the Sea of Mermaids.

Recruitment remains boring, a Mermage & max Ichtycentaurs in Oceania, and a Scout from the Sea of Carassos.

At least the indy expansion phase is nearly over, so we can get this party started. Prophet's tasked with taking the last province of the North Seas. Of course it won't be easy (duh), guarded by troopers and shark knights. This expansion really hasn't gone to plan, I'd originally hoped to be invading my first neighbor by now...
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Name:	8 known world.jpg
Views:	324
Size:	74.6 KB
ID:	9526
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