Originally Posted by Kietsensei
I will send you a review and commentary on all the new spells/units/site I used during this game. I just need to find the time to write a good report  But I can already tell you that the holy mod changed a lot the way I used priests. The cheap holy 3 priests replaced most of my battlefield mages.
Spells like divine armement and especially Holy warrior makes some spells like mistform and body etheral completely useless. As a result, nations relying heavily on light thugs to raid have some difficulty and must find a new strategy.
Divine wrath is an awesome spell and can replace easily the standard desintegrate spam.
A single thuged sidhe lord have a very good chance of dying against an oceanian pd of 10 if it is backed by a lvl 3 priest.
Thanks. I'm looking forward to reading your report.
You seemed to get a lot of mileage out of the holy spells, that's pretty good (Considering that you are Oceania and you wouldn't have had much battle magic the classic way). One thing I'm worried about is the Divine Wrath vs Disintegrate comment, I'll likely done it down a bit. Most likely by replacing the nextspell so that it doesn't force that many mr checks.