Would be interesting to hear the reasons why Pangaea has a flat 60 in all phases, and why Eriu has 25 in early stages. Sounds like somebody who had no clue rolled some dice and came up with those...
IMO Pangaea is amongst the strongest nations in early and mid phases (a combo of tramplers and berserks (with the option to take manikin against any big&scary hostiles) in early game, Mass Protection and the very nice nature summons make it strong in mid game. A "60" is prolly a good number for late game, as MA Pan has access to Death (all the way to Tartarians) even though it doesn't have anything against MindHunt spams. 100-80-60 maybe
Eriu having a 25 in early game just is so wrong. The Firbolg together with False Fetter spamming mages will rip apart anything in the early game. While 25 for early game is waaaaaaay too low for Eriu, the number 60 for mid game is quite generous (yes, they have nice raiding thugs, but raiding seldom wins the game for you). 80-50-0 might be more correct.
Machaka has the numbers totally screwed up. They have a strong early game, a super strong mid game, and a non-existant end game. 25-75-60 is just so wrong in so many ways

100-120-0 would be at least in the correct ball-park.
In all, I wonder who the experts have been for these numbers

Seems like most of the other numbers too have been generated with the stetson theory :P