Originally Posted by thejeff
I'd use Guardians and Sappers, backed up with some Smiths to earth meld to slow them down. And I'd get slaughtered, unless I'm underestimating the Guardians special abilities. I don't think so. They're better against sacred thugs or heavies.
Anyway, you'll have trouble massing enough to equal them, even with Prod-3 and Ulm's resource bonus. Especially since Guardians and Sappers aren't what you need for expansion.
Maybe you're right. Maybe MA Mict is that tough, but I think that would be a very traumatic encounter for Mictlan. Especially if the archers fled... Especially if there was also PD, which contains arbalasts, which will surely kill jags or eagles with ease.
I think calling MA Ulm weak at the early game is silly. I could spend the bulk of that money on PD and probably have excellent results against them. Probably enough that taking me out would be out of the equation. Archers rail jags, and armored crap kills eagles. Arbalasts are both and Mictlan could find an easier target. Like mid-game MA Ulm.
Correction from earlier post:
Emerald guard has 15 defense and 17 protection.
Principe has 16 defense and 12 protection.
The differences are pretty staggering actually, the guard appears to be a much more robust experienced soldier, but costs a whole gold more upkeep.