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Old February 19th, 2010, 08:44 PM
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Default Re: 2/19 Update - Calling All Tourists! - MA Oceania DAR - Chapter 9

Chapter 9: The Best Laid Plans

Turn files:

3 attacks, 3 victories. Gotta love breaking a losing streak:
Click image for larger version

Name:	9 provinces.jpg
Views:	406
Size:	54.0 KB
ID:	9536

During the bloody Second Assault Of The Sea of Mermaids, our supporting mermage routed, and was literally scared right out of the water. Dragging himself onto the shores of the newly conquered Morn Woods, he's been greeted with orders to search the Woods for Enchantresses.

The veterans of the Sea of Mermaids crew are ordered to head west, where they'll meet up with reinforcements to attack Tenvir. Tenvir is a land province guarded by heavy infantry, which shouldn't give our boys too much trouble. Upon successful capture, they will continue west to take on the nasty 60 ichtyid Sea of Nuptia.

Now that Prophet is finished capturing the north seas, it's time to begin mobilizing for a move against Atlantis. Where he's located, heading west means I'll be able to launch the attack in 4 turns, east means 5 turns. This may ultimately prove to be a mistake, but I'm going to take the longer eastern route. This is so he'll be in a position to capture the Sea of Nuptia if my attack on that province this turn fails; this will prevent Shinuyama (who can recruit amphibious kappas) from taking that province and cutting off 1 of my 2 approaches to Atlantis. Also, at this point, I'm so behind schedule that a turn 12 attack isn't really much different from a turn 13 attack. I wouldn't be so flippant if the indies had cooperated, wherein a turn 6 vs turn 7 attack would be substantially different. Further, the eastern route will let me build up a larger invasion force. Here's a map of The Plan:
Click image for larger version

Name:	9 attack plan.jpg
Views:	453
Size:	75.6 KB
ID:	9535
Yellow: Turn 9
Orange: Turn 10
Green: Turn 11
Blue: Turn 12
Red: Turn 13

And what's this, Monsieur le Comte de Maquereau has risen to the Hall of Fame! We shall arrange a hero's welcome for him back at the capital, and setup a big effigy of Glug for him to practice smiting with his now Heroic Precision

Sade the Siren, good work. Rinse and repeat with the heavy cav province of Ostmark.

Recruitment: mermage, max ichtycentaurs, a scout, and another ichtyid lord.

From the score graphs, Tien Chi and Vanheim each seem to be getting gobbled up (see above). Also, Atlantis's army size shot way up this turn, probably from more war guess is they're pretty effective against R'lyeh.
Click image for larger version

Name:	9 army size.jpg
Views:	349
Size:	54.5 KB
ID:	9534
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