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Old February 21st, 2010, 11:06 PM

militarist militarist is offline
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Default Re: LA Tien Chi: Barbarian Kings Strategy Guide 2.0

Yes, it would be cool to have wyrm with 4d or 4e, both benefit sacreds and wyrm greatly..but it is hard to beat mentioned synergies.Just some people proposed different blesses here. 4E is nice.But you will have just 2 times larger empire with wyrm that without it in 10, sometimes in 20 turns.It means more money, more castles, more of any units.. It is hard to believe that +2 reinvig would beat it at any phase of the game.
In the beginning - whyrm is much better then any bless.
In midgame you are not going to put your sacreds on first line, so they never fight..just shoot. And it means you would prefer more of them then blessed..And you don't have so many mages yet that they would make weather.
In endgame you just will buy more of anything, because you have more gold, gems, armies, castles, magic, research. So +2 reinvigoration will never compensate it even here.

It is hard to imagine, what exactly should be sacrificed without loosing all synergies, to get this E4
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