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Old February 22nd, 2010, 11:08 AM

Belac Belac is offline
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Default Re: Rattlehead - MA Newbie game (running)

Originally Posted by Num View Post
Hello everybody,
At this point I have a few questions some of you may answer about the game, and this game.
First a general question : There is not a lot of fight : That is because we are all discovering the game ?
Details : How Ermor have and maintain a that large army ? Is there no upkeep for undeads/summons ?
I made a lot of research, and it seems I am almost the only one to do that ? Is it that stupid ?
Do you all have a plan to get to the end of the game ? Do you walk around blind ?
Well I guess it is not easy to answer in a few words, but I am not experimented at all... Thanks in advance
There is no upkeep for undead. Ermor's army is probably mainly undead, and the rest are cheap legionnaires.
Your lead in the research graphs is scary (though not surprising given how good Marshmasters are), and if you have been researching smartly will give you a substantial advantage.
I have a plan, though it has run into some friction.
I expect warfare to spread now that someone is fighting anywhere but an isolated corner of the map (sorry Man+Shinuyama, your border area is pretty isolated). In fact, I should get on that .

In general, I think there were mostly balanced starts, so everyone has a good enough empire for them to sit in and research/forge without feeling threatened (except for those already fighting). I only go to war when I feel like my expansion's been cut off or I need to grow to survive, or when I can meaningfully help my allies and get something for myself. If no one has been in any of those situations, I wouldn't expect them to go to war.
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