Chapter 11: The Awakening
Turn files:
Glorious day! Our lord, our king, Monsiur le Marquis de Sous-Marine is here! Like a seasoned frat boy, he awakes just in time for the party.
In celebration of his arrival, we immediately alchemize our 4 Astral pearls into Death gems, and present them to the Marquis. These will be invaluable should the we meet the octopus on the field, who will be immediately Cursed by our serpentine overlord:
But curses alone won't win slay the beast, nor will unending tangle vines. We need a way to hurt Glug. His fear/awe blend will be tough, especially on his home turf, and I suspect he'll have mage support to boost his protection. Hmmmm, well for one, berserk ignores both fear and awe. Berserker pelt is a trinket I can forge immediately, but who will wear it? Well, the Trident Lord would be a good choice, if his armor didn't suck...oh wait, with the berserker pelt, his encumbrance drops to reasonable levels. But he ain't hurting an ironskinned Ancient Kraken with that silly trident. But the Hunter's Knife is armor-piercing...and length's a dual AP knife wielding berserk part-man-part-fish-part-horse sound? Like victory, that's what; sushi-grade victory. A last batch of ichtycentaurs to accompany him:
Our sneaksky new Capricon gets the codename 007, of course. This is a gentleman's game, after all. Q gives him his high-tech underwater Horn, his 62 ichtysatyrs join him, his last martini is shaken, and off he sneaks to the South.
Some unfortunate news, however. My scout network has finally reached Boat Eater, the lone Atlantian province between me and his capital, and it seems the PD is "quite well organized." This could mean he's got 10+ PD there, and if so my secret mission might be compromised. Negative stealth is very risky against even PD=10. But we'll see, as of now he's going to stick to the plan to sneak behind enemy lines:
In other news, a clam field was found in the north, Sade seduced one of the commanders of the Heavy Cav province, and we captured Nuptia in a close battle, losing 4 ichtycentaurs and the mermage support in the process. The survivors will join the Marquis in Tenvir for the attack!
TC has been crushed, and has no provinces left, though he's not dead.
He capitulated to Bretonia in the game thread, but cheers to Starshine_Monarch for staying until the bitter end.

[Newbies: ALWAYS fight until your capital falls!]