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Old February 23rd, 2010, 10:39 AM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Noobs & Vets: Rise of the AI Menace. EA, BI, Running.

Thanks for the fine send-off DrP .

Yeah, that is exactly right septimius. Like I've said elsewhere dominions has been taking a lot of time I need for other things. NaV in particular has been taking somewhere around 4 hours a day of my time . That's the biggest thing team games take from you... time. Communicating with allies, plotting, figuring out how you're going to accomplish x objective in y time. I guess they're also complicated in the same sense, the organization of multiple different player's turns. And planning for how you're going to defend yourself against 12 different nations simultaneously .

Anyway, enemies of the Devas, don't rejoice too much over my departure. Frank Trollman is a fine player, and the Devas have many more tricks up their sleeves. Under the Trollman's guidance, I have no doubt that the latest in Easy-Slay(TM) technology will hit the markets in no time and be a smashing success.
"Easy-slay(TM) is a whole new way of marketing violence. It cuts down on all the red tape and just butchers people. As a long-time savagery enthusiast myself, I'm very excited about the synergies that the easy-slay(TM) approach brings to the entire enterprise." -Dr DrP
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