Thanks for the fine send-off DrP

Yeah, that is exactly right septimius. Like I've said elsewhere dominions has been taking a lot of time I need for other things. NaV in particular has been taking somewhere around 4 hours a day of my time

. That's the biggest thing team games take from you... time. Communicating with allies, plotting, figuring out how you're going to accomplish x objective in y time. I guess they're also complicated in the same sense, the organization of multiple different player's turns. And planning for how you're going to defend yourself against 12 different nations simultaneously

Anyway, enemies of the Devas, don't rejoice too much over my departure. Frank Trollman is a fine player, and the Devas have many more tricks up their sleeves. Under the Trollman's guidance, I have no doubt that the latest in Easy-Slay(TM) technology will hit the markets in no time and be a smashing success.