Re: LA Tien Chi: Barbarian Kings Strategy Guide 2.0
Thanks, Maerlande, it's detailed.
What do you think if its 250%gold and resource, difficult research and 45% magic sites? Indep. strength is 8? That makes initial expansion much slower, with usual forces,while wyrm still takes almost any province. And magic is less important at early game.
As for Khans, cool advice. What build would you recommend to try for these rules?
The difference between someone taking 1-2 provinces per 3 turns, and a nation with Wyrm, in growth will be 2 times at least.
And with my build I could take magic+2,order 3 and don't sacrifice other scales too much without sucrificing something but production?
P.S. Were VANs you mentioned well blessed as well?
Last edited by militarist; February 24th, 2010 at 06:34 PM..