Re: Noobs & Vets: Rise of the AI Menace. EA, BI, Running.
I'm for a rollback. Haven't looked at my turn either but I know it's not going to be good. Might be not much better if I play but I could at least do the messages... Will go with the stale if the majority is against that.
I'm sorry for squeezing out the deadline to the max the last turns but it's simply like that - when I have important stuff to do and time to do the dominions turn (I always check before going to sleep but I often can't check during the day) the next day I'll do the other stuff first. Quite simply I need a reliable deadline. Doing a 5-min the most important stuff turn is no option in this game situation as I then don't have a deadline to do the real turn.
I personally don't mind too much but it's bad for my team, so the next stale that happens whether that's caused by me or the timer I'll have to quit.