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Old February 25th, 2010, 07:01 PM

Louist Louist is offline
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Default Re: I'm have the worst, and best, of luck playing Man.

Thanks for the advice, folks. I'm about to enter into the next late winter, and we will see how she fares. Boots of Youth are more or less impossible for me, and any other options are still a ways off with Ring of Regeneration being the closest option to hand.

In the vein of good luck, bad luck, I had the good luck to discover Ulm, my newest enemy, after Asco and Atlantis, has a number of completely undefended territories. I decided to order my Bard prophet, who had been scouting the area out, to capture the provinces.

My bad luck crops up again, though, in that I forgot to update my prophet's battle orders, and he promptly retreated into enemy territory and died!
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