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Old February 25th, 2010, 10:40 PM

Louist Louist is offline
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Default Re: I'm have the worst, and best, of luck playing Man.

I suppose this will be my last update as to the fate of my super-fantastic Crone.

Good news- She survived Late Winter without even a new wound! Thank you to those of you who advised I bring her back into my own growth dominion. She had actually been out in death 2 and three dominion I had conquered from Asco (Who had Turmoil, Sloth, Death, Misfortune, and nuetral Magic. Dangerous choice!)

Bad News- Early Spring of Year 4, Morrigan he Crone of Avalon was killed by an arrow from the sky as she was site searching within securely within my borders. I am, if only slightly, tempted to reload. But I won't, as I have a good feeling about this game, even with her death.
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