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Old March 1st, 2010, 01:57 PM

militarist militarist is offline
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Default sitesearch atomatic provinse selection bug?

I have 4 not-searched provinses. And auomatically, my augry- caster had very strange's interesting, how it can be explained...

1. When 4 provinces were unsearched, he proposed the one, which was already searched by augry (I doublchecked), th eprovince where they were stationed. Maybe it's not a coincedence. It happened several times, when I retried.
2. after several tries, he proposed proper one, then the next sitesearcher in pool, again, proposed proper one. Then , when 1 province still left unassigned, all next sitesearchers (based in capital)started to propose to search capital for magic sites..
But it looks like 1 province was not assigned at all for searching..

What it can be? It sounds dangerous if it can happen. It wil be boring to double check all the time.
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