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Old March 2nd, 2010, 11:26 PM

LumenPlacidum LumenPlacidum is offline
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Default Re: Kingdom of Angmar - Version 0.5 available

Hmm, it turns out that my plan to have all wraiths spread dominion like a prophet might not work in conjunction with #dyingdom. Even bolstering the Witch King to a domspread of 3, he doesn't really improve dominion. I will assume that it is one of the things blocked by #dyingdom.

I've added in Ringwraith multiheroes. All Nazgul (the Witch King included) will have an overall magicboost of 2. The Witch King's starting paths are S1D2 now, to get him up to the S3D4 I wanted. Each Ringwraith has D1 +100% FAEDB, meaning that they'll have either 3 death and 3 of one of fire, air, earth, or blood, or they'll have 4 death. Most of their stats are the same as those of the Witch King, or only slightly worse, but they are not immortal (though that may change... it WAS really hard to permanently kill any ringwraith, but the Witch King has immortality to represent Glorfindel's prophecy about him).

Other heroes and multiheroes I'm thinking about:

The Great Goblin - Would be a pretty strong blood mage and priest, I think, as well as having some pretty good thug options. The Great Goblin lived in the Misty Mountains, just as Angmar does, so I don't think it would be unreasonable to create a connection there.

Possibly a named Balrog. Balrogs, however, are going to be extremely strong summons from the early age. Getting this hero early on would probably make you a complete steamroller with the Witch King, a pretender god, and a balrog SC... I probably shouldn't. When I make them, Balrogs will be powerful death and fire mages, with randoms possibly coming from astral, earth and blood.

Wight King - The last Dunedain king of Rhudaur, raised and given sorcery after his slaughter at the hands of the wild-men of his kingdom. Probably awe in addition to his fear aura. Priestly powers with some death magic seem appropriate.
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