Thread: Mod Worthy Heroes 1.8
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Old March 4th, 2010, 06:42 AM
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Default Re: Worthy Heroes 1.8

Originally Posted by militarist View Post
I wrote it in сbm thread.. but it's more a question for for this thread, obviously. Heroes is a stong, funny element of a game wiсh doesn't really affect the ballanсe a lot, but really makes game muсh funnier. I believe the more heroes the better. I сan not understand why Hinnom has so many сool heroes..3?4? and there are still nations like Helheim where it's <3. Making at least 4 for eaсh nation would be good, even 5 would not сhange something. And getting to aссount total domination of order 3, more heroes will just make luсk more valuable, that's is not unreasonable.
Actually, I made heroes long a while ago (year 2007) to be exact to fill up some nations that have <3 heroes. I have been talking about QM about including them, but the recent "no-clam" huffbuff delayed their inclusion. He said on IrC that he will get some of them in for the next version. I had screenies on the page 3 and 4 of this thread, but the hosting site has replaced them with ads.

I've compressed the screenies into a .zip* file below for all those who are intrested. I'll probably do some futher cleaning up on them and remove some #onebattlespell autosummons, since QM does not like those, but the concepts are somewhat sound.

*There is one screenshot missing of the Helheim hero, Hanged King.

If QM is intrested, I've gotten some further hero ideas now that I'm a lot more familiar with the nations in question.

At least Helheim should get somekind of "Hel" as an heroine. I mean, the whole nation is named after her!
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