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Old March 5th, 2010, 11:36 AM
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Default Re: List with all the events

Originally Posted by BigDaddy View Post
you always get three events
What's the significance of three events in a row? I just had a turn in which three unexpected events occurred in a row, after site searching:

"Young raging rebels have started riots and uprisings in the province. Everyone is on the edge, ready to kill and plunder." (I was surprised by this one, as it happened in a Luck 1 province, and it's a nasty event (Unrest 66))

"A very ill omen was seen and rumors of it have spread through the entire province." (Misfortune 1 province)

"A handful of magic earth gems has been found in a deep ravine." (Luck 1 province)

BTW, does unrest reduce resources collected in a province, as well as income, or just income?
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