Originally Posted by BigDaddy
I read the baalz part on the first page... Baalz, Baalz, Baalz... What were you thinking. I couldn't even finish reading your guide. They use hydras and should take heat scales at least a little unless they are absolutely maxing out gold (which, of course, can be quite useful).
Not that I've ever had a problem with hydras passing out, but, on the other hand, I always take the easily justifiable 40 points!
Unless you're 2player vs. Abysia (or similar matchup) I wouldn't take cold.
Hydrae are awful. At 250 gold nonsacred, every one is worse than buying another witch king in terms of upkeep, and give you a lot less value for that gold. I would never buy a hydra unless I was planning on getting it killed in a turn or two.
Androphag archers and cavalry are the worthwhile troop choices for building an army.