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Old March 5th, 2010, 04:18 PM
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Default Re: Nation/Era with less micro

I was just discussing hydras on another thread. It reminded me of this thread.

Not enough micro in an MP game might very well get you killed. Sometimes micro can win the game, although normally that isn't the case... it just moves stuff in your favor.

It's like with hydras. I wanted to like hydras. I practiced with them, timing them for certain type of independents, but ultimately didn't like all the micro, all the skill, involved.

On the other hand, you could just hire a bunch of orindia(sic?) or principes and leave them in a big square in the middle of the screen... Suddenly, you don't feel as bad when 20die to take a tough province, because you have so many. And there's no MM. Course, they won't really damage an opponents army that much either.

In SP, there probably isn't a single nation that can't win with decent scales and some kind of astral rainbow pretender, and in some cases and SC pretender. The typical long term MP game, however, almost requires the micro management. Personally, I can die skillfully without much MM, and I tend to get sloppy as MM mounts... but I have seen it come in quite handy in many circumstances.
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