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Old March 6th, 2010, 01:11 AM
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Default Re: Nation/Era with less micro

Originally Posted by Sombre View Post
Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker View Post
Ive thought about it. But it would be a REAL pain to have the game draw that slow arrow all the way across the map to show movement.
What does that have to do with wraparounds?
If you turn on wraparound on the map for a pipeline or tower its confusing because the game only has one wrap. you cant separate top-bottom or left-right.

On the other hand if you leave off the wraparound instruction and just allow neighbor commands to create the wrapping, then when you are at the "end" of the map and try to move it paints this long ugly arrow all across the map.

but thanks for asking. I suppose I could modify the map image to add a big blank area on each side of it. Then #wraparound could be added to the .map
Maybe even finally put the keypress chart there like I kept meaning to. Make a nice newbie map
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