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Old March 6th, 2010, 03:54 AM

rdonj rdonj is offline
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Default Re: Kingdom of Angmar - Version 0.51 available

I've been very sick recently and haven't had much chance to play with the mod, but I do have a suggestion. Remove the reinvigoration from wolf riders and reduce encumbrance to 4. The reason cavalry has a fixed level of encumbrance is because the mount is getting fatigue, not the rider (or at least this is my understanding of that particular mechanic). Since it is the orc that's supposed to have the reinvigoration rather than the wolf, it doesn't really make sense for them to have it. Also, in the current implementation wolf riders are more or less e9 sacreds for no design points or bless requirement with their extremely heavy armor and low effective encumbrance.

Also, I think non-immortal nazgul is probably best. It makes the witch king extra special and having several free, powerful immortals seems overkill.
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