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Old March 7th, 2010, 06:46 AM
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Default Ordeal for turn 21: Jack the Scroundel


Originally Posted by Baalz View Post
Oh no yer Pantokness, we done sent a barge loaded with all kinds of loot! Gold, gems and two different magic items of great value. We sent it...oh. On a boat captained by that scoundrel Jack. If I be ye I'd be lookin fer yer sacrifice in some non-Extradition nation like Shinuyama, fer it's surely yers.
Originally Posted by The Pantokrator

A crime most fould has been inflicted upon my realm! This scroundel, 'Jack' Togrim, who took the sacrifices of the Pirate Queen stole my spheres of great power that fueled my divine sight. I was quick to find and smite that fool, but so great was his greed and utterly vile his spirit that he just rose again to attain greater riches by pillaging the coasts of this realm.

Of course, I could just will hid annoying existance void, but it pleases me more to see you do it. If you want to be gods, handling one pirate should be an easy task, right? Jack still carries my spheres of divine sight and the one who defeats him will gain a sight of a true god.

If no one of you so called 'pretenders' manage to defeat and catch Jack Togrim within the span of one year, all of you will be only worthy of my scorn!
I have dispelled the "Eyes of the Pantokrator" global enchantment. Because I now have spies in every province, I don't need it anymore. Also, from this point onward Pantokrator always will use only one global slot (so if Pantokrator has one up, he won't cast a new one until the old one is dispelled).

The one who defeats Togrim will gain access to one .trn file of mine from the turn the Admiral was defeated. He will also get one boon to their total. If admiral is not caught within a year (by turn 33), all players lose 1 boon from their total.

I will post the results of the Ordeal of the Silver Tongue tonight, once I get home and get access to my notes. Although I can say that Ashdod won by a landslide.

Burn, baby, Burn! Is now a divine servant of Pantokrator, and will receive the trappings worthy of such a task:

(No, I did not suddenly invent item modding, it is just a renamed "Robe of the Sorceress")
I have now officially moved to the Dom3mods forums and do not actively use this account any more. You can stll contact me by PM's, since my account gives e-mail notifications on such occasions.

If you need to ask something about modding, you can contact me here.

See this thread for the latest info concerning my mods.
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