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Old March 7th, 2010, 09:15 AM
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Default Mod ideas that you weren't going to use anyway

This thread is for those who have brilliant (or not so brilliant, like mine) nation, scenario or other modding ideas, but no time / productivity slider / capabilities to make anything out of them.

If anyone wants to use these ideas, ask away. (If I don't answer: yes, please do whatever you want with my ideas.)

Dragon Monks - Age of Betrayal

The times when dragons and their monks were allied have ended. Too many sheep and shepherds were eaten by hungry dragons and humans rose to rebel. Travelling knights, monks and local villagers gathered to fight against dragons' tyranny. The Dragon Fortress was encircled, but rising of the new pretender stopped the war. For now.

- Travelling knights with large weapons and few horses. Low resource and high gold cost to represent that they are travellers.
- Hardy monks with good morale, good magic resistance, Fire, cold and poison resistance (25%), less supply usage. Simple weapons (spears, staffs, clubs, axes, slings etc) and leather armour at the best.
- Villagers with low morale and bad weapons.
- Capital only dragons with magical unit. Can only be commanded by specific monk units.
- Monk elementalists (fire, water, earth, air) and blood mages hiding at the mountains make for most of the mages.
- PD consists of villagers and monks.

Dragon Monks - Age of Hunt

Dragon Fortress has been silent for centuries, but new threat of demons has awakened old monk monasteries. Little do the monks know that their blood dabbling allies are behind many of the incursions.

- Monks have obtained both weapons, armour and training during the centuries. Good morale, good magic resistance, Fire, cold and poison resistance (33%), less supply usage, two handed weapons specialised in killing larger monsters, ring and scale mail armours.
- Villagers with low morale and bad weapons.
- Monk elementalists have obtained astral magic and balance between elements is not important any more.
- Blood and death mages.
- Summonable dragons that compensate for their ancestors' wrong doing by dying in the battlefield.
- No cap-only units. PD consists of monk students and villagers.

Dragon Monks - Age of Uncounted Monasteries

The Dragon War, the Demon Hunt and the Giant Raid have taught Dragon Monks that they can only trust in themselves and that they shall taught to whole world.

- Monks have conquered suffering of life. Fire, cold and poison resistance (50%), no need for supplies.
- Monks welcomed smiths from falling Ulm and now know the secrets of Black Steel.
- The tradition of hunting monsters and mages is still strong. Assassin units with plate-mails and two handed weapons are not unusual.
- Elementalists are only magic users monks allow. Master elementalists have gained invulnerability against elements.
- No cap-only units. PD consists of monk students and frontier monks.

I may write more about Dragon Monks later or write down my other multi age nation idea. Who knows.
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