Originally Posted by Gandalf Parker
Sombre is right about shortage of people. Particularly in the feedback stage. If people wanted more mods and maps and themes etc they need to "pay" for the ones they are using with abit of feedback, suggestions, and especially thankyous.
On the other hand there is nothing wrong with laying out ideas. Ive seen a number of them done by the person who didnt start the conversation.
Another tactic is that there are people who prefer to improve on someone elses work. So doing a quicky "good enough for me" version and clearly saying you dont mind if someone else fills it out can work well also.
I actually have one of those! It's a partial alpha nation. It isn't that I don't want to do the work, its that I don't know what I'm doing and concentrating on learning is nigh impossible under my current circumstances.
The attachment is a less than alpha nation that I detailed in a thread and got just one piece of feedback! Several views though, so, I thought if I could eventually look at someone elses work at make this into a working mod, I'd send it up for testing. Anyway, here my little bit of work... that took a lot of planning actually, maybe you'll be inspired... or merely get a design assist. Really, though, you can just download someone elses completed mod and use it to learn how to put stuff together!