Originally Posted by zegc-ben
I enderstand perfectly well that price are given by the link between offer and demand, but since I seems difficult to organize an auction I have to offer a price. So I would reform my question as : depending on your nation, ... what would be the maximum price you would accept to pay for a magic item (excluding very situatianal need in the first time). In other word I want to have an idea of the demand.
the thing is that the demand is very relative to the game you're in, your nation, your opponents, the stage of the game(early, mid, late) and more. so I can't just tell you, "Helheim should pay max 40A gems for a Staff of Storms" or something along those lines... there are just too many variables to tell you what the demand is going to be, just like in real life... supply and demand are ever fluctuating... I did try to give you the basic formula on which to insert the different variables(once you know them), and that's the most I can do to help you outside of a specific situation...