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Old March 7th, 2010, 10:59 PM
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Default Hurt_Locker (Started)

Game: Hurt_Locker

Type: Llamaserver PBEM
Hosting: 24 hours to start. 48 when people start asking for it.

Map: Bering
Mod: CBM1.6
Age: Early
Players: Seven - (five land and two water in the map's fixed starts)

Other Settings on default for Llamaserver (ten hall of fame entries, renaming on, score graphs on, one starting province, independent strength five, standard research, 100 resources, 100 supplies, 100 money, common events.)

Victory is by eliminating all other players or unanimous agreement of remaining players. Ties are not allowed – there can be only one winner. Non-binding diplomacy is allowed. Complaining and quitting are frowned upon except in extreme circumstances.

Players: (PM links)
SciencePro – Sauromatia (eliminated)
Zapmeister - Mictlan - subbed by SciencePro
13lackGu4rd- T'ien Ch'i (eliminated)
Graeme Dice- Niefelheim
Digress- Marveni
Snaltrippin- Oceania (eliminated)
Danbo- Atlantis

Last edited by SciencePro; May 11th, 2010 at 06:16 PM..
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