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Old March 8th, 2010, 11:03 AM
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WraithLord WraithLord is offline
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Thumbs up Patch 3.24 - Thank you IW!

The new patch was released today
Here's what it brings (taken from the official announcement):
# Eliminated nations are now also shown in the graphs.
# Spell AI improved regarding when to cast Arrow Fend, Gift of Flight and Legions of Steel.
# Could get some kind of mine even though all site slots were full--fixed.
# New monster modding commands: #inquisitor, #shatteredsoul, #banefireshield, #uwdamage, #popkill.
# Some units like the vampire now actually takes damage from being underwater, just like they were supposed to.
# Description changed for Maggots to better correspond with its true effect.
# Djinn is now a unique monster.
# Increased maximum number of messages a player can send on a given turn.
# Fixed crash during turn generation.
# Support for PulseAudio on Linux.
# New resolutions! 1024*600 and 1024*576 (for netbooks).
# Dominions could crash when changing video preferences--fixed.
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