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Old March 8th, 2010, 12:22 PM
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Default Re: OT: Warlords Battlecry 3

Originally Posted by WraithLord View Post
Do you still play WC3?
I had really only played WBC2 - it was one of the few games that captivated me enough to finish. For some reason, I never got around to WBC 3. I had it but suffered from re-start syndrome: Fey Alchemist, wait no Dark Elf Assassin, no no, High Elf Runemaster, doh....

I would echo that WBC is a bit light on strategy and can be easy. In fairness though to the game, there are ways to make it harder: Ironman, don't hire mercs, don't spend $ to increase your retinue slots, don't use the 4 healing potions...

It can be pretty intense in the scenarios when the AI rushes you early on, but otherwise it does share some of the mindless joy of a game like Diablo where you are the all-mighty slayer of the masses.

The one thing I forgot to mention that I love about this game is I put it in the category of games like Dominions and MOOII that have "soul". The comments some of the units make are laugh out loud funny (I won't try to replicate them here, just listen to the masochistic Quasit or Arnold Schwarzenegger-like Reaver for examples) and at the same time has that heavy epic fantasy feel. The art is great. Admittedly the game is a conglomeration of time-tested fantasy archetypes, with a few fresher ideas like the Fey or Sratthi, but its packaged so nicely and has enough content to make for a fun if somewhat mindless romp.
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