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Old March 9th, 2010, 04:40 AM

slMagnvox slMagnvox is offline
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Default Re: OT: Warlords Battlecry 3

Want to chime in as a big Kohan fan, WraithLord. I played like 20+ hours a week for nearly a year. I Got Immortal Sovereigns a month or two after it came out and kept playing till near the bitter end, otherwise known as the release of Kohan II. Which I bought, but being laptop bound at the time never did play.

Such a brilliant game, some of those 4v4s were the most intense gaming I had ever participated in. Nothing like pushing through 3v2 on a flank and rolling all the way across the map. Or being the anchor and holding the opposite line 1v2.

Each game was so unique. Every faction was completely playable, everyone went random. The Random map gen was awesome. Early game you open an amulet or two and some of the Kohan were beasts. Fight a few lairs, cap an indy. Nationalist town on the frontline and you knew there'd be some [i]heavy[i/] fighting there. Hah.

Thanks for reminding me of that. I wonder if any games get together anymore? Surfing over to their forum, looks kinda active...
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