Re: Mists of Time: Early Era Game [full]
Note: If someone still possesses the previous champion's trident, and needs that champion killed such that they may enter the tournament with a new champion, I'm sure we can find someone to help out with the killing.
A further note that this idea loosely popped into my head immediately before sending in last month's orders, and took a few days to fully flesh out. As such, I have not been preparing for months on end wishing for strength and things of that nature (as you may have guessed, my wish-caster was my arcane nexus caster as well) and will start on the same playing field as the rest of you (especially considering my mages still have not unlocked the secrets of artifact construction).
I would recommend that, if we are to agree to this final contest to end all contests, that we appoint a trusted third party to be Master of Ceremonies, such that we can send him/her our .2h files or champion layouts/scripting, in case some bug with epic death match competitions (or the fact that the game version just updated on llamaserver, after turn 84 was sent out) rears its ugly head and things do not go as planned. It would only be done as an insurance policy in case some unknown game bug were to screw things up, as this would be a fairly significant turn. We would have a little while to decide on someone from outside this game (I don't really care who) to take this role, as we'd only need to know who it was for turn 85.